Tag Archives: Marriage

YAY!.. Married Mr. & Mrs. Tony Panela and Family

Panela Tony and Jasmine
Congratulations! Meet the newlyweds Mr. & Mrs. Tony and Jasmine Kurokawa-Panela. Married on February 14, 2016, at Queen Liliuokalani Park, Hilo, Hawaii. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Panela Family (2)
Meet the new family team:  L-R: Back Row: Ashley, Shay, Tony, Jasmine, and Rebekah. Front Row: Emily, Netanya, Daniel, and Silas. Both Emily and Netanya were in my preschool Sunday School Class at Glad Tidings Church, Rebecca would occasional help as a teacher’s aid. The Panela family are active in the church. It’s been a joy to watch the children and family grow over the years. Mr. & Mrs. Tony Panela and family, nice First New Family Photo!

Marriage is one of most wonderful events in our lives, the bonding of two individuals to love and cherish one another, to accept each other unconditionally, nurturing and sacrificing for each other, and to share the work and joy of raising a family.

Life’s road has its mountain top highs and challenges in the valley, marriage is about sharing the those high places and getting through those challenges to gain wisdom and inner spiritual strength. We pray that you together sing in the rainy seasons and on mountain tops.

“Love is patient, kind, not envy, not boast, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrong doing, forgives, not delight in evil, rejoices with the truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves. Love never fails.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 NIV

Each person and couple is different, each having special gifts and talents. It’s a new season in life to start their own family and new team. Congratulations to the parent’s of the newlyweds, a job well done of the highest calling.

We wish you long life, good health, joyful children, a growing family, and much peace. It Starts at Home. Way To Go!

Joy of Being Married – Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Agonias, Jr.

Congratulations to the Newlyweds!

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Meet the newlyweds Mr. & Mrs. Edgar and Chelsea Agonias, Jr. Married on April 23, 2016, at Anna’s Ranch Heritage Center, Kamuela, Hi. It was heart touching to learn that when dad said his wedding vows, his two girls (L-R) Audri and Kerianna started to cry; standing with them their cousin.  Best wishes, blessings, and long life to the Agonias family; that made Pastors Kelvin and Gaye Chai very happy. They are planning to be baptized on May 1, 2016.

Marriage is one of most wonderful events in our lives, the bonding of two individuals to love and cherish one another, to accept each other unconditionally, nurturing and sacrificing for each other, and to share the work and joy of raising a family.

Life’s road has its mountain top highs and challenges in the valley, marriage is about sharing the those high places and getting through those challenges to gain wisdom and inner spiritual strength. We pray that you together sing in the rainy seasons and on mountain tops.

“Love is patient, kind, not envy, not boast, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrong doing, forgives, not delight in evil, rejoices with the truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves. Love never fails.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 NIV

Each person and couple is different, each having special gifts and talents. It’s a new season in life to start their own family and new team. Congratulations to the parent’s of the newlyweds, a job well done of the highest calling.

We wish you long life, good health, joyful children, a growing family, and much peace. It Starts at Home. Yee Ha! Way To Go! 

Meet the new Mr. & Mrs. Kaopua and Kapualei Tripp-Borge. Married on March 19, 2016, at Kamehameha School’s Kapalama Campus, Bishop Chapel, Honolulu, HO
Happy One Year Anniversary to Ryan & Stephanie Quinajon-Lau. Married October 18, 2014
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Stephanie Quinajon-Lau, Married October 18, 2014
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon and Pomai Longakit Bartolome, Married February 18, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. John and Lillian Ide celebrated their 56th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, June 14, 2014. When ask how they did it he said, “love, respect, and thank you Jesus!”Starts at Home would like to share your photograph of your wedding or earlier photo.  We’ll share and celebrate your new covenant and joyful occasion.  We wish you much happiness and hope many children to come from your loving and nurturing spirit.
Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie and Trixy Curtiss, Married June 15, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt and Arlene Fujioka. Married February 25, 2012, “soMaui’d”
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Crystal Kalahiki, Married June 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin and Ashley Malama-Poplardo, Married January 1, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Christian and Kimberly Okuyama-Ross, Married November 11, 2011, Mililani, Hawaii
Mr. & Mrs. Ku’i and Amy Horwitz-Hanapai, Married August 1, 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ferreira
Jason and Sarah Ferreira, Married September 5, 2010
Chris and Sarah Leialoha – Married March 20, 2010
Grant and Corrie Higuchi – Married June 6, 2010
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cadavona, Married September 2010

Our Vision, Mission, Principals, and Goals

Vision Statement

Starts at Home – Train a Child in the Way to Go

Building the Family

Mission and Roots

Starts at Home seeks to elevate the community’s awareness of positive parenting.

Starts at Home seeks to encourage fathers to love their wives and together raise their children in a manner that builds stronger families and communities.

Starts at Home seeks to encourage parents, whether married, single, or custodial, in early childhood development education of children.

Statement and Purpose

We believe when we encourage, love and discipline children, they will follow;

We believe positive parenting starts early in life by teaching children age appropriate concepts before the age of seven.

We come not to judge but to encourage and share with parents and children.

We believe a parent’s love is the greatest gift to children.

We seek to build more dual parenting household.

We seek to have fathers share more of a parenting role in the household.

We walk in Faith.

Ten Basic Principals

1. Faith in God is the foundation of the home.

2. The home is led with loving parents sacrificing for their spouses and children.

3. Love is patient, kind, not envy, not boast, not proud, not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrong doing, forgives, not delight in evil, rejoices with the truth, always protects, trusts, hopes, preserves. Love never fails.

4. Children are taught basic attitudes and skill before the age of seven including: Love, discipline, sharing, listening, honesty,  memory, curiosity, sex, no to drugs, chores, safety, internet safetyreading, math, science, musicecology, skills, language, and manners.

5. Encouragement is needed to motivate and foster a child’s growth. Our words and actions will build or destroy a child’s future. Every child is different and has a special talent that needs nurturing.

6. Being too lenient is harmful and may produce spoiled children with super controlling egos, anarchism, and harmful pride.

7. When we love the children they will obey and follow. We want to prevent a child from feeling rejected.

8. Parenting is the giving of your quality time and not just financial resources to your children.

9. Encourage children to cook, eat healthy, and take care of their bodies.

10. Teaching age appropriate materials is wise.

Family Goals

For Parents

1. We are encouraging and a good example to our children.

2. We don’t give up and can make it through the tough times.

3. Promote a parenting revival for the future benefit of our community.

For Children

1. Come to parents for advice and to share their questions, concerns, and problems.

2. Follow and listen to trusted and loving parents.

3. Leave the home as contributing members in the community.

4. Independent and have successful family our their own.

5. Are respectful of their parents and grandparents.

This Vision and Mission statement was established on October 24, 2009.

Unconditional Love on Mothers Day – Big Time Love

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to very special ladies, who loved us , nurtured, and shape our lives, including non-biological moms with Big Time Love.

A time of bonding and a foundation of future relationships; a vital part of early childhood development.
Big Time Love that never give up.
Happy Mother’s Day Mom. Thank you for loving and nurturing us.
Happy Mother’s Day – Love this Beautiful photo, Amy with mom Emiko Kessinger.

Thank You Mom for taking care of us while we grew in you, as you felt our movements, heard our heart beating, and brought us into this world crying and kicking.

Thank you for providing for our physical needs because we were too small to change our diapers and feed ourselves; we were little gems, great hopes, and aspirations to do big things in our lives.

Mom, thank you for not giving up on dad, my brothers, sisters, and me.  We know it was difficult and sometimes you wanted to call it quits and just walk out the door or walk off the face of the planet, but your Big Time Love persevered for us.

Thanks for teaching us to pray and know that with faith we can make our hopes and dreams a reality.

Thanks for the times you were pulling your hair because no one helped you and you were alone and crying.  And when when you were a single mom, thank you for not taking your frustrations out on me, we saw it coming many times but somehow you maintained your temper and you managed to love us through those toughest of times.. those blessings of grace and acts of courage were Big Time Love.

Mom thank you for not beating and hurting us, like when you were raised by your hurtful and harmful parents, your forgiving of grandpa and grandma is unconditional love.  We now understand how difficult is was for you to be abused yet you forgave and didn’t look back with bitterness in your heart.

Mom thank you for those times we know you wanted to go out with your friends or watch that special program but instead stayed to read and play with us.

Mom thanks for being lovingly strict with us as now we know why we had to obey; you wanted the best for us.  When we were little children, we thought you were the worst mom an enemy could send, but we were wrong, you were good preventive medicine.  We’re glad you held on to the medicine spoon and made us drink for our own good.

Mom thank you for the time I had to move back home because things were just not working out in my life, you took us back with your unconditional love and you were again there for us.

Thank you for teaching us that the material things in life are nice but our character and relationships are priceless that have everlasting value, it’s not the “bling” in the end that will make us sing.

Happy Mother’s Day!  We love you and your unconditional Big Time Love.

By Carl Okuyama


My wife Amy’s mother’s name is Emiko and my mother’s name is Kiyoko.  Now, Amy is a grandmother and is helping nurture, love, and train our grandchildren, the next generation.