Tag Archives: loving spirit

Aloha Spirit In Children

#MommyHelp Andee having fun with baby brother Cody.  Now we need to teach her to make sacrifices for him, sharing is a good start.
#MommyHelper Andee having fun with baby brother Cody. Now we need to teach her to make sacrifices for him, sharing is a good start.

The Aloha Spirit lives in us; live Aloha and pass it to our children.

Aloha makes the world a better place, it heals.

Love God

Honor Parents

Children Obey

Play and Teach Our Children

Be Friendly, Kind, Happy, Patient, and Caring.

Let Anger Go

Be Honest, Humble, and Modest

Eat Well and Keep Our Body Pure

Keep the World Green

By Carl Okuyama

Christmas the “Most Wonderful” or Stressful Time of the Year? So Where is Happiness?

Black FridayThe melody “Most Wonderful Time Of The Year”  can be the most stressful time of the year.  With all the media hype and the pressure to give and receive presents, no wonder the FBI reports a jump in the crime rate in December. Have we lost the meaning of Christmas replaced it with Black Friday and the guilt of not having the money to play the Christmas game like seen on TV or social media? Children can sense the stress in parents, instead give more love and spend more time with the children; now that’s priceless, it’s not the expensive gadgets that are obsolete in a few years.

Alternatively, during the holiday season finding happiness can be found in teaching children to be kind and generous with charitable giving,  This could be a kind act of stopping to help a person in need, to making a monetary donation to a charity.  A study by Harvard School of Business “Feeling Good About Giving”, 2009, showed that people who gave charitably showed an increase in their level of happiness.

President George H. W. BushWhen George H. W. Bush was asked, what was his most successful achievement, he did not say Ambassador to China under President Reagan, CIA Director, nor the 41st President of the United States of America,  he said “my children still want to come home”

In the end, it’s not the money or “bling” that will make you sing, you can’t buy eternal peace and joy. Our families and friends are our most precious treasures, so give more time and love always.

By Carl Okuyama

The Battle Inside of Us – “Which Wolf Wins”

Dad's with their children - Bonding in early childhood development

Parents love their children and want the best for them; our children become who we train them to be.  The wise quote below by an unknown Cherokee Indian says many things to parenting of children and the future of our communities.

The Battle Inside of Us – A Quote by Cherokee Indian

One evening an elderly Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between 2 “wolves” inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Cherokee Indian

Source: Unknown

No Parenting Problems – Learning to Say “No” the Right Way

Leonard Mukai and Family
The Mukai family
L-R, James Long-Goth, Leonard Mukai, Amy Kessinger-Okuyama. Day at the Park, a family fun and educational event sponsored by Thy Word Ministry, March 10, 2010.
An affiliate of Starts at Home Leonard Mukai, Ph.D, has an excellent online program called No Parenting Problems. He and his wife Cecilia Mukai, Ph.D are giving this 30 day video presentation FREE to encourage and help parents;  he believes parenting “Starts at Home” and is sharing his program. Speaking to Leonard, his most distant viewer comes from Russia who found his lessons simple and effective.  Each video is about one minute.  Here’s a link to one (1) of thirty (30) FREE videos.
You know how difficult it is to teach a child and sometimes when we say “no”,  all hell breaks loose …. the crying, the pouting, the tantrum and tirades.  This video teaches us one way how to say “No” the right way.  It’s a pretty simple and cool technique; enjoy this one minute video.
To get started on this FREE program visit http://www.noparentingproblems.com;  the concepts shared are ageless wisdom.
Enjoy your children and family; encouraging parents and loving children starts at home.