Tag Archives: fathers

Lost Wallet Found – Son Watching Learns a Lesson From #Gooddad

Lost Wallet Found
Lost Wallet Found


Tony Freitas is the person on far left.  Thank you Tony #gooddad
Tony Freitas is the person on far left. Thank you Tony #gooddad.

Before driving out of Walmart’s parking lot at 6:30 am, I realized I forgot my wallet at the Customer Service Counter, yikes, all kinds of thoughts rushing through my mind. What a terrible way to start the day!

About fifteen minutes later I get a call from the person who found the wallet, he came back to Walmart’s front of store loading zone and hands the wallet to me, wow, I’m so relieved.

A parent’s actions speak louder than words.

The best thing about the avoided disaster is when the father passes the wallet to me through the truck’s window and refuses to accept a reward.  Watching in the truck is his wife and their young son. What a great lesson for the son, who was just taught about resisting temptation, honesty, and service above self.  I saw and felt a wonderful feeling in the son’s and wife’s heart and eyes.

Thank you Tony Freitas you’re a #gooddad.  Best wishes to you, your wife, and son. Keep up your good parenting!

Carl Okuyama

Make Family Time a New Year’s Resolution

Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and peace filled New Year
Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and peace filled New Year.  Photo taken by Karen Clark, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the most active volcano in the world.

As we begin a new year, make enjoying family time a New Year’s Resolution.  That’s a resolution you’ll not regret and the benefits are eternal.  Although you don’t see the benefits immediately, have faith and watch the fruits of your labor of precious time grow. We all need hugs and someone to be with. Here are some bonding and family time ideas.

  • Have weekly dinners with family, more often is great.
  • Do chores together and help one another, do family as a team.
  • Plan a vacation and travel together.
  • Look for special occasion to celebrate one another, such as birthdays, anniversaries, nation and local holidays.
  • Do camping trips together, enjoy the beach, mountains, snow, and outings
  • Enjoy sport events together.
  • Go to the movies or music event.
  • Play, teach, and listen to music and entertainment together.
  • Spend time with grandparents and family members who live at their own places.
  • Find a church you enjoy and attend regularly with family members.

With Love and Respect,

Amy and Carl

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” ~ Clarence B. Kelland

Showing the way        Photo Michelle Meiklejohn

There are millions of dads in this world. Some are great, and some are not. This one is very great.

There are dads who bring you along to every church and work function, just so he can say, “This is my daughter.”

There are dads who encourage you to shoot for the stars – even if “the stars” is just a middle school stage.

There are dads who attend every softball and volleyball game, just because you’re playing.

There are dads who give up their free time in the car to ask you Bible trivia questions, even when it’s late.

There are dads who drive you to school super-early and pick you up super-late, because he knows how important school is to you.

There are dads who play catch with you at the park across the street, even if you miss a few balls…or ten.

There are dads who hug you after you make a mistake, and say, “I’m just happy you’re safe.”

There are dads who let you make mistakes, because they know your life will be better that way.

There are dads who let you ask questions, even if they don’t know the answers.

There are dads who love their wives, and give you an almost impossible standard for your own love someday.

There are dads who are so kind, and wonderful, and better than you ever could ask for or imagine. I have one of those dads. I love you so much, Daddy. Mom has told me several times that I should try to find a man as wonderful as you. I don’t know if I can do it – you’ve set the bar pretty high – but I’ll certainly try my hardest.


I’m your Cinderella, and you’re my hero every day. I love you. So I will dance with Cinderella while she is here in my arms cause I know something the prince never knew. Oh, I will dance with Cinderella I don’t want to miss even one song ‘cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight and she’ll be gone – Steven Curtis Chapman


“A child that is taught and gifted with a talent is fortunate; next teaching a child to share it and teach it is remarkable” ~ Starts at Home