Tag Archives: Family Time and Events

Free Days at National Parks – Parents and Children enjoying Earth and Nature

Enjoy our National Parks with the children, fun exploring, learning, and relaxing with the family.  America’s Best Idea – National parks – gets even better this year with several fee-free days at more than 100 national parks that usually charge entrance fees.  For more information visit:http://www.nps.gov/findapark/feefreeparksbystate.htm

*Fee waiver includes: entrance fees, commercial tour fees, and transportation entrance fees. Other fees such as reservation, camping, tours, concession and fees collected by third parties are not included unless stated otherwise. Free offers may change, please visit the National Parks for details. 

If you’re in Hawaii, visit the probably the most active Volcano in the world – Kilauea Volcano, part the the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  The hot thing to do is visit a live lava flow.  It’s the coooolest thing you can do.

Real Hot, be careful… Aloha!

Volcano, HawaiiHalemau’ma’u Crater, Hawaii Volcano National Park, Located on the Island of Hawaii  –  http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/